In the past few days I threw away a t-shirt from the 1999 field day (it made for a great pajama top, although that may be TMI). We don't have field days anymore, a victim of a growing school size. Another tradition is being changed this year as we have done away with a separate event honoring our Faith Faithful, the group of students who have spent all seven years (six for FGS students). Last year that event went on for three hours and we had a few more FFs this year. We will honor them at a chapel and at graduation, but this separate ceremony was a victim of our growth.
Bigger is not necessarily better and we are working hard to make sure that Faith does not lose its personal touch in spite of having more people to reach out and touch. Bigger does mean opportunities that are not present for smaller schools, so as in many things, we take the good with the bad.
Glad you blogged again Kevin - and I'm the one who commented that you needed to update your blog at the wine tasting Friday night! Looking forward to my son beginning at Faith next year!
Don't forget the traditional "Senior Slave Day"
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