Sunday, January 18, 2009


I am a social studies teacher by training, with an emphasis on politics and government.  The last year has held great interest for me.  It probably won't surprise you to learn that I generally favored the other guy, but like most Americans, I am praying that Mr. Obama will eventually be revered as one of our greatest Presidents.  Simply put, we need great, effective leadership for our country.  I am not one of those who believe we are in the worst times since the Great Depression.  I remember gas lines, runaway inflation, and Jimmy Carter's malaise speech.  I do worry that some of the strengths that our country had in the past that could lift us out of economic calamity are no longer present.  I do believe we stand at a turning point and that the actions we take over the next few years will very much determine whether my children will have a standard of living that surpasses the one I have had for most of my life.

I am anxious to hear what he has to say.  It is a time for a return to moral courage, to look beyond our own needs and to build community.  I hope simply he tells us the truth, unambiguously.

I also hope that whenever possible, our students will be able to watch or listen to the speech on Tuesday. History is being made And what President Obama does could have a profound effect on  destinies of the young people with whom we work.  My prayer is that his decisions are guided from on high.

1 comment:

STQ said...

You have said so eloquently how I feel as well. Obama was not my choice, but I am fervently praying for him, his health, his family and his wisdom. I too believe he must be a great president in these times. God bless you, and I am happy to join you in these prayers.